No, Really!


If hate cardio, then you are probably doing it wrong. Anything that typically generates amazing results is worth doing. The thing is, though, most people attempt cardio like it is a mid-term exam that contains questions about material they have yet to study.

..or maybe they have studied the material, but not enough.

We would like to help you learn how you can knockout your goals while craving cardio like a world-class athlete.

Sure it may take a matter of months for you to become significantly better as an endurance athlete.

Any, yes, the level of difficulty may be higher than the way you have trained before.

The one thing, though, our coaching strategies work better than anything you have ever tried.

Updated July 25, 2024:

You should be prepared to expect a personal record (PR) or, at the very least, a breakthrough after reading this page.

Many people achieve personal records (PRs) and breakthroughs and are often very surpised when they do.

There are goals that many of us pursue that are pretty average. 

We often leave our goal outcomes up to chance. 

We try to run everyday in preparation for our marathons but often times, that is not enough. 

Come Run With Us

What if you could run faster without feeling like you're working harder?

There is more to it. More times than not, the list of things we should do are things that are a lot easier than running.

Don't leave it to chance.

We are here to help you develop your strategy.

We are committed to helping you apply that nuance to your strategy so you can be the best you can be.

If you want to run a successful 5K, 10K, half-marathon, marathon, triathlon, or duathlon for example, you have come to the right place. 

Elevate your running with us!

The way we train is what makes us different.

We want to help people realize their full potential. Our philosophy is rooted in our respect for nuance.

Our analyses often involve constantly solving for often elusive variables that help define what works best for you.

Whatever your sport (running, cycling swimming), we are here to coach you across that finish line!

You should know this:

In our years of training and research, we have noticed that there seems to be an age range that is the sweet spot for endurance performance.

It is where most people typically reach their maximum ability to excel at endurance sports.

This is where our bodies are primed to excel at endurance sports and our minds have the capacity to take on pain.

Notice, though, not all people are subject to that endurance performance limitation.

We want to help you become that person that is "better-than-average."

We believe that with thoughtful guidance, we all have the potential to be "better-than-average" endurance athletes.

Train Smarter with iHeartGains

If you are between the ages of 25 and 35, you may not know it, but, you have this advantage.

The other side of this story is that endurance factor, for the most part, declines after 35. 

This phenomenon may commonly be observed when looking at marathon, 10K, or 5K results.

Imagine the thrill once you achieve a PR. 

Imagine, though, not being surprised and being attribute the specific action or actions that help you reach your PR.

Much of your confidence would come from learning about the average runner's mile times deteriorate.

For example, look at the following results of the 2024 Eugene Marathon.

Eugene Marathon 2024

From the marathon above, you can see how the average times tend to increase as men's age group changes from 31-15 to 36-40. 

The numbers don't lie.

Now, runners will definitely get slower as they age, not doubt. The thing is, though, the slow-down should not start at 36.

That is part of the reason why with a high level of confidence, I can boldy say, our clients will continue to excel as they age into their 40s.

Imagine the thrill once you achieve a PR. 

Imagine, though, not being surprised and being attribute the specific action or actions that help you reach your PR. 

Lace Up! Let's Go!

Most of our focus in on running because only runners win triathlons.

In fact, in many respects, running may not be the best sport for ultimate fitness.

There are other ways to build the aerobic capacity to dominate your next 5K, 10K, half-marathon or marathon.

..and if you are an elite runner, we want to help you become more aware of things you may have missed along the way.

There may be some things you may not have considered on the road to awesomeness.

For the rest of us, the thing we should keep in mind is that becoming an excellent runner does not happen overnight.

For all of us, becoming a better runner requires some of the same types of approaches.

For example, there is very little difference between a system of well-developed habits and what some may call "dedication."

We want to help our clients develop their own system of well-developed habits that help them maximize their running fitness potential.

come run with us!

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