Five Ways To Improve Sleep

There are things that you can do to improve your sleep. The first thing you can do to ensure that you sleep better is to get a sleep tracker of some sort. I have three sleep trackers. I wear at least one sleep tracker 99.5% of the time.

Beware. Some sleep trackers do not track naps during the day. Some are good at communicating sleep metrics. For me, the ideal sleep monitoring system would have all elements of the three sleep trackers I use every day.

I have a Fitbit, an Oura ring, and an Apple Watch. I also keep a diary. If you are not keen on digitally keeping track of your sleep, you can measure and track your sleep in your fitness log--a fitness diary.

Much of what you do during the day determines how well you sleep. While breathing, room temperature, and light can affect your sleep quality, other daily habits can affect sleep quality. I have relied upon bottled water, supplements, and omega-3-rich foods to help me achieve fantastic sleep results.

I have noticed my sleep quality significantly reflects what exercise I have done during the day. I keep a fitness diary and saw that when I lifted more weights, I slept better. I added two-a-days and slept better at night because of it.

Aside from exercise, there are four other ways to improve sleep. The amount of time your body spends in deep sleep may help determine how well your body recovers from exercise. Sleep trackers detect deep sleep well. I have noticed, certain types of bottled water are better for deep sleep than others.

One way to improve sleep would be to take a Vitamin B complex supplement right before you sleep. If you are not sleeping well, you may have a Vitamin B insufficiency or deficiency. The body's digestive system uses various B vitamins to help your body create energy from food. If your body needs to recover during sleep cycles, B Vitamins probably help with the red blood cell formation and energy creation that B vitamins support. I have found that I am less groggy when waking up after taking a Vitamin B Complex supplement.

Vitamin D is another supplement that supports sleep and recovery. It is a fat-soluble vitamin. Typically, when you are sleeping, you are fasting. If there is a time where parts of your digestive system can benefit from fat-soluble vitamins, it would be when you are asleep. We fast when we sleep. There is less variation in our body chemistry during sleep. During our waking hours, we have a virtually infinite combination of foods for us to consume. Our body chemistry is more likely to be consistent when we sleep.

Much of my personal experience around improvements to my sleep involved food or supplements. Of all the foods I have eaten to improve aspects of my sleep, walnuts are the best. Whenever I have eaten walnuts before bedtime, I seem to wake up refreshed most of the time. I deduced that it is the omega-3's in walnuts that made the difference.


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