The Thing About Refined Carbohydrates
I have this theory about refined carbohydrates. Why are they so bad for us? My theory revolves around my past experiences with anaphylaxis. My theory also includes strategies to mitigate some of the underlying conditions that can lead to less than desirable allergic reactions like anaphylaxis and hives.
Growing up I was barely aware of the word. I never heard of the word until much later in life.
I had one case of anaphylaxis that was precipitated by eating jumbo shrimp. I have eaten seafood most of my life. I grew up eating shrimp. Somehow, though, about seven years ago, I had a bad allergic reaction to consuming shrimp.
On another occasion, about five years ago, though, I ate shrimp without a problem. It seems there may be more to the idea that once someone is allergic to something, they will always be allergic to it.
A Little More About My Theory
This theory also includes a skin reactions that lead to acne. My second time experiencing anaphylaxis happened directly after taking an antibiotic . This particular antibiotic is among a class of antibiotics that differs from the class of antibiotics that has previously caused me to experience an allergic reaction. After taking one tablet of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin I felt tingling in my right hand. Soon, the tingling got a little more intense, more than that what could be considered comfortable. Eventually, within two to three minutes, the intense tingling sensation spread to my esophagus and my chest.
Why I Think Refined Sugars and Flour Can Be Problematic
It may be that the human body has difficulty in metabolizing refined sugars. After all, they are not necessarily found everyday in nature. They are probably denatured to the point where the body does not recognize them. So, what does the body do with things that it cannot recognize? It relies upon the immune system to get rid of it. What happens if these tiny particles--refined sugars and process flours--float around in our bloodstream and never get metabolized? Can they end up as plaques? Can they attach themselves to organs and cause inflammation when our immune system tries to do what it is supposed to do with unrecognizable substances? These are good questions that I intend to research in this next month's worth of blog posts.

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